اقامت شبكة اعضاء و زملاء الكلية الملكية للاطباء/لندن في العراق نشاطها العلمي الجديد المتمثل بنقاش كيفية التعامل مع مريض مصاب
Category: Uncategorized
Slots of Activities Across
1. Second half of January Mini health service provision (respiratory) by Dr. Huzaifa Adam Ali (Consultant Respiratory Physician, Spire Bristol
steering committee – juniors
1. Ali Hilal: 5th-year medical student in Babil University College of Medicine. 2. Aras Mustafa: 5th-year medical student in Sulaymaniyah
steering committee – seniors
The RCP London Iraq Network proudly announces the steering committee for the term 2022-2023 with a fine blend between medical
The RCP London Iraq Network was honored to have Dr. Huzaifa Adamali,
The RCP London Iraq Network was honored to have Dr. Huzaifa Adamali, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Spire Bristol Hospital. He visited