Module Two, Day One: “Learning”.

Module Two, Day One: “Learning”.

Date: 27th of July, 2023.


❖ Adult vs. Child Learning by Dr. Nesif Al-Hemiary 

❖ Learning Theories by Dr. Ali Tareq


-Dr. Nesif Al Hemiary

Consultant psychiatrist International associate of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2008 Member of Iraq National Mental Health Council- Chair of the Scientific and Ethical Committee Vice president of the Iraqi Society of Addiction Medicine President of the Iraqi Board of Psychiatry. Trained in medical education at Sheffield University.

-Dr. Ali Tareq Abdul Hasan

Board Certificated in Dermatology Venereology, Diploma in psychodermatology and psychotherapy, Certificated in Qualitative research and Medical education, Former Dean of College of Nursing-Kerbala University and College of dentistry-Kerbala university.


  • Recognize the unique characteristics of adult learning compared to child learning.
  • Acquire knowledge about prominent learning theories and their practical applications in real examples.
  • Utilize the concept of Kolb’s experiential learning cycle in their learning.
  • Appreciate the importance of reflection as a common active learning methods and the skills needed like critical analysis, higher thinking strategies, and the value of metacognition.


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