Global Perspectives – Looking Ahead

Global perspectives – looking ahead

Resolutions setting is customary as we embark on the new year. Seeking perspective and informing successful design and innovations requires understanding the perspective, which in turn results in sustainable solutions tailored to local need(s).

Design thinking requires active engagement with the individual/groups and their needs in order to come up with solutions that are relevant to their context, ensuring sustainability afterward. This requires iterative spirals of clarification, ideation, development and implementation.

Celebrating 3 Years of the RCP Iraq Network

Marking the journey of raising up

The RCP Iraq Network was established in 2020 following a proposal submitted by IA for Iraq Dr Hilal Al Saffar.

The idea of a collaborative network was a new concept with a different vision, including medical students, newly graduated doctors, postgraduate trainees and consultants, and collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organisations like the Iraqi Red Crescent Society to ensure sustainability.

The network has achieved significant success, including improving Iraq’s membership ranking from 21st position of overall international membership in 2020 to an impressive 2nd position. Several academic institutions and medical societies have expressed interest in collaborating with the network for academic and postgraduate training.

In 2023, the Network’s scientific programme was successfully achieved, which included 29 activities attended by over 1,600 delegates. It covered medical education, MDT and a range of training courses.

The network also organized four mock exams attended by 39 MRCP(UK) Part II holders, 24 Iraq-based examiners and 12 UK-based examiners. The network’s third anniversary celebration was held on 1 December 2023. Attended by professors, consultants, postgraduate trainees and medical students, and the Iraqi prime minister’s health adviser, the event explored the networks achievements, highlights and plans for the future. Two training workshops were held, one on how to pass the MRCP(UK) PACES exam and one on how to be an MRCP(UK) PACES examiner.

The RCP Global team congratulates network chair and IA, Dr Hilal Al Saffar, IA Dr Aram Jamal Mirza and IA Dr Shakir Mahmood Muhammed and all network members on what has been 3 years of determination, resilience and unwavering commitment. We look forward to continuing to support the network’s vision during 2024.

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