Memorandum of Collaboration: The College of Medicine (CoM-UoS) Signs Partnership with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) /London-Iraq Network

The dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Twana Abdulrahman, signed a Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) with the Royal College of Physicians /London-Iraq Network, represented by its chairman Prof. Dr. Hilal al-Saffar. This MoC establishes a collaboration between the two parties in the fields of medical education, encompassing both undergraduate and postgraduate studies as well as scientific research. The RCP network will support CoM-UoS in:

  1. Provision of educational services for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
  2. Raising awareness and improving the knowledge and skills of medical students and postgraduate trainees in medical research and publication in medical journals.
  3. Capacity building and training of academic staff to meet accreditation requirements.
  4. The above can be conducted in person or online.

The initiation of the Memorandum of Collaboration was marked by a three-day activities program with the following agenda:

Day 1: Integrated Based Learning Teaching Methodology Training – Opening Session
Prof. Dr. Hilal al-Saffar conducted a simulated “Integrated Based Learning Teaching Methodology” groupwork session with the participation of over 100 medical students and academic staff members. The aim was to familiarize both students and academic staff with the latest methodologies in Medical Education and how to effectively manage large numbers of students while keeping them engaged and motivated. Methodologies implemented in this session included:

  • Interactive learning.
  • Integrative learning.
  • Student-centered learning.
  • Simulation-based learning.
  • Problem-based learning.
  • Case scenario learning.
  • Group discussion and teamwork.

Day 2: Medical Education Workshop
Prof. Dr. Hilal al-Saffar conducted a workshop entitled “Curriculum Reforms: Lessons Learned,” attended by the academic staff of CoM-UoS. The workshop introduced the steps of curriculum revision in the College of Medicine – Baghdad University and the subsequent collaboration with Nottingham Medical School. Moreover, there was an emphasis on the importance of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs), faculty development programs, assessment development, e-learning, feedback, and healthcare services.

Day 3: Integrated Based Learning Teaching Methodology Training – Closing Session
The closing session of the Integrated Based Learning Teaching Methodology Training featured a discussion on formative assessment equations and provided attendees with an opportunity to provide feedback.

This partnership marks a significant milestone in advancing medical education and research in Kurdistan Region and Iraq. With a shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and collaboration, we look forward to the transformative impact this collaboration will have on medical education, training, and healthcare delivery. Together, we aim to foster a culture of continuous learning, research excellence, and healthcare improvement for the benefit of our students, faculty, and the broader community.

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