Get ready for the MRCP UK exams

We are delighted to inform you that you now have free access to educational resources to assist in your exam preparations for parts I, II, and PACES. This was made possible following a discussion with the education department during the visit of RCP Iraq Network delegates to RCP headquarters in London, Regent Park, in May 2023.

We sincerely thank RCP Global and the Education Department for their invaluable assistance.

RCP Revise™

Question banks – MRCP (UK) Part 1 and Part 2

The RCP Revise question bank covers MRCP (UK) parts 1 and 2 through the choice of mock exams and quick quizzes, plus quizzes to test knowledge within each specialty. 

RCP PACES masterclass

This course was created specifically to support candidates in preparation for their MRCP(UK) PACES
exam: the practical assessment of clinical examination skills.
Combining useful tips, practical advice and examples to support your revision, this easy-to-navigate
course will assist with all your preparation needs.

Attention all valued members, 

This announcement is to notify those members who do not have an RCP code. To ensure a seamless experience for everyone, it is now necessary for those who have not yet received their RCP code to register.

If you already obtain an RCP code, you can skip step one and proceed directly from step two.


Step 1 

Step 2

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