RCP/Iraq Senior Steering Committee 2023

As we approach the occasion of commemorating the 3rd anniversary of the RCP Iraq Network, we find it fitting to pause and reflect upon the achievements accomplished by the esteemed Senior Doctors Steering Committee throughout the year 2023.
This significant milestone is an opportunity to delve into the remarkable journey and impactful endeavors undertaken by the committee, highlighting their dedication and contributions to the overarching goals of the network.
From strategic planning to collaborative decision-making, the Senior Steering Committee has played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of the RCP Iraq Network, fostering growth, resilience, and medical advancement in Iraq.
As we celebrate this anniversary, let us acknowledge and appreciate the commitment and hard work of the committee:

Here is a recap:

Dr. Aram Jamal Merza and Dr. Shakir were selected to be the international advisors for Iraq.

Dr.Omar Mustafa has been elected to be the Vice President of RCP Global.

Under the leadership of Dr. Aram Jamal Merza, the scientific activities subgroup has initiated a training cohort in Heart Failure. Three sessions were  successfully completed and four sessions remain. The cohort is an illuminating journey led by national and international experts.

Dr.Hilal Al-Saffar, the international advisor of the RCP Iraq Network, represented Iraq at the RCP meeting in London and under his leadership, Iraq has been ranked 3rd in the world in the number of members and fellows of the Royal College.

Under the leadership of Dr. Baseem and Dr. Husam, the medical education subgroup has completed 12 activities regarding medical education both in-person and virtual with an overall 1077 participants.

Under the leadership of Dr. Amal, the scientific activities subgroup has completed 20 activities in various scientific specialties both in-person and virtual reaching more than 8 Iraqi cities.

Under the leadership of Dr. Shakir, the research subgroup has completed 2 training cohorts in research and publishing skills and has started the work with higher stakeholders in the health sector in developing audits in healthcare.

Under the leadership of Dr. Mohammed Omar, the MTI and elective subgroup has successfully trained 2 cohorts of students in the UK in various medical specialties, has collaborated with more universities and hospitals, and overall increased the number of seats for the accepted students.

Under the leadership of Dr. Thikra, Dr. Mudher, Dr. Zainab and other senior members from MRCPUK , the RCP Network have successfully conducted training courses on the MRCP exams.

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